South Willow Boxers
CH. Ein-Von's Knock-Out

Clear 1.52 Flow Rate
0 VPCs 3-2007
1 VPCs 10-2008
3 VPCs 10-2009
by CH. Rosend's Key Largo, SOM, LOM and Ein-Von's It's A Dream Again, DOM
Born November 18, 2005 - April 2010
bred by Hallmark Boxers and Ein-Von Boxers
On June 17, 06 Oscar hit the ring with a BANG!! It was a very long but very thrilling day. First time with Kim, Oscar won the Bred By Class and went on to RWD to a major at a mere 7 months. After a few hours of playing Oscar and I participated in the B Match. He was awarded BOB and Group 1 before falling asleep in the Best In Show ring! It was an awesome day for the two of us. Oscar was awarded 3 Grand Sweepstakes Wins while showing as a puppy and 2 more Best Juniors! The judge that awarded Oscar his first win was also the same judge to award his finishing win, Judge James White. It's nice to see a judge that continues with what he likes.
April 2010 Oscar left us for the Rainbow Bridge. Words can never describe how upsetting it is to know I'll never see his beautiful face again. Necropsy found heart stopped due to a venomous snake bite.