South Willow Boxers
MBIS MBISS GCHG South Willow's Drop It Like It's Hot

Clear 1.5 Flow Rate
0 PVCs 2-2022
by MBISS GCHS La Pawz' Uptown Funk You Up, CA and CH South Willow's Gonin' Bananas, CA, DOM
Born May 6, 2020
bred by South Willow Boxers and Starlyn Boxers
owned by Malia Foley, Chuen Chui and South Willow Boxers
This entire litter could have been in the show ring! The pairing of Skeeter to Monkey was a huge success. Thank you to my good friend Michelle for letting Monkey be Skeeter's forever first girlfriend!
Pohaku, means stone or rock. Pohaku is the essential building materials of traditional Hawaiian culture where this boy's owner's heritage is from.
Pohaku finished his championship so quickly at 11 months old. At 21 months old Pohaku cam back out and completed his Grand in 1.5 months of shows. As if this wasn't enough, this boy came back out just one show before our ABC Nationals. Not expecting anything for this young boy who is rarely shown to do anything at a show of this scale and entry size, I was beyond floored to watch Pohaku beat every entry for Brest Of Breed at the 77th National. Something only most breeders and Boxer owners can dream about! Pohaku will be shown off and on through the year to attempt to show in the Top 20 at the 2023 Nationals. Through June 2022, he was ranked #8. With the winning he's been doing in July, I'm estimating him to be up to #6.
While at a Specialty show, Pohaku was asked to be used during a judge's seminar to show correct feet and bite. He truly does have a great example of very high knuckled, tight feet and a very wide, straight bite with K9's evenly spaced and no more than a pencil's witch undershot. I can't say enough about this young boy. He is the sweetest, and biggest goofball. He never gives anyone any trouble and is a fun easy dog to have around.